The unprecedented times that we’re living in today due to police brutality, and the unfortunate killings of George Floyd, Amar Aubrey and Brianna Taylor. There is a lot of pent up anger from the African American community in particular, and all sectors of the United States and the rest of the world. One this is for certain, people are coming together and setting their differences aside with the premise of right is right, and wrong is wrong. Protests have taken place all over the United States and the world. People of all races and backgrounds are coming together and trying to make sense of what seems senseless. I myself would like to thank the peaceful protesters. The us vs. them mentality should only exist in a business, and playing a sporting activity against one another. One thing that has been on my mind and the minds of others during the COVID-19 and police brutality crisis is that we as a society need to return to being a part of a community. People showing positive vibes and genuine love towards one another. Genuine compassion, and empathy towards your neighbors and not just via multiple social media posts. It’s unfortunate that it takes the loss of life for people to come together. Nothing good has ever, and will never come from hate. Whether it’s hating someone because of the color of their skin. Hating someone because of the country that they come from. Or hating someone because of their spiritual or religious beliefs etc. To quote Jimi Hendricks when the power of love is greater than the love of power then the world will be a better place. With all of the senseless killings, COVID-19 lock-downs, and viruses going on in today world. Stabilization and understanding is the only way. Please take care of yourselves, your loved ones, and remember we will get through these troubling times.