Whether one realizes it or not. They’re playing some sort of part in the game of MONOPOLY. In life, there are and will always be winners and losers in the game of life. However, most do not realize or do not even care that they’re a player in the game of MONOPOLY. Now, what is MONOPOLY? MONOPOLY is a real-estate board game for two to eight players, in which the player’s goal is to remain financially solvent while forcing opponents into bankruptcy by buying and developing pieces of property. Let’s delve into this game as a concept. In today's world, there’s a multitude of things that can force people into bankruptcy, while others remain financially solvent.  A great example is employers for the most part pay their employees just enough to live, go on one vacation a year. The primary objective of any employer is to ensure that their employees add value to their organization, however, remaining dependent on their paychecks all at the same time. Also, let’s go into the fact that one’s average student loans range from 70,000 to 180,000 dollars with high-interest payments. Another thing to take into consideration is there are numerous amounts of taxes that one will have to pay no matter what the circumstances are. Whether it’s income state, social security, federal, sales taxes, road toils, school taxes, etc. Other taxes are known as the stupid tax, meaning speeding tickets, parking tickets, court fees, restitution for committing a crime.



 The money game for the financially illiterate community is made to keep people in financial captivity. So many people waste a lot of time and especially money because they get involved in things that can cost them time from their lives, money, or in certain instances unfortunately their life. Hence the phrase “Knowledge is Power”. Looking deeper at the dynamics of MONOPOLY all side of the square board is divided into 10 small rectangles representing specific properties, railroads, utilities, a jail, and various other places and events. At the start of the game, each player is given a fixed amount of play money; the players then move around the board according to the throw of a pair of dice. Any player who lands on an un-owned property may buy it, but, if he or she lands on a property owned by another player, rent must be paid to that player. Certain non-property squares require the player landing on them to draw a card that may be favorable or unfavorable. 



If a player acquires a monopoly—that is, all of a particular group of properties—that player may purchase improvements for those properties; improvements add substantially to a property’s rental fee. A player continues to travel around the board until he or she is bankrupt. Bankruptcy results in elimination from the game. The last player remaining on the board is the winner.  And when it all boils down to it MONOPOLY truly sums up the economic empowerment game that most people play every single day family. The problem is that most people only see money as a way to pay their bills, eat, and buy fancy items. Also in today's society, most do not try to learn how to minimize their tax expenses like the population of wealthy people do every single year.  The future beyond the year 2020 is looking bleak for those who are consuming non-valuable products, too much entertainment, and only want to become W-2 employees. The past, current, and the future belongs to the owners. The business owners, the homeowners, the landowners, basically the asset owners. If one’s family isn’t in this category, then the repercussions could be detrimental financially for current and future generations. Meaning that the lack of economic vision, for people leaving high school, college, and the military could result in an increase in the homeless and criminal population, which isn’t good for anyone. There is an old saying either you’re going to pay now or pay later. So when it comes to educating one self regarding the economics of life, pay for it now, so you do not have to pay for it later. 


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