Money Should Orbit Your family & Community like Satellites Orbit the Earth
We live in a time where life without technology would seem like, life without breathing air. And for this technology to work it takes a multitude of things. But for all tenses and purposes of this blog, we will stick to one technology that make our technology work and go around. One of those technologies is satellites that orbit the earth. A satellite is a moon, planet, or machine that orbits a planet or star. For example, Earth is a satellite because it orbits the sun. Likewise, the moon is a satellite because it orbits Earth. Usually, the word "satellite" refers to a machine that is launched into space and moves around Earth or another body in space. Earth Observation satellites use either optical or radar sensors to capture images of Earth: Optical sensors for Earth observation are designed to deliver images in either panchromatic spectral format or multispectral format. Now when it comes down to it as a satellite orbiting the earth, ones financial opportunities should do so as well. Because only having two paychecks a month is considered a financial mess in 2020 family. There are multiple ways to ensure that your money can start orbiting yours, and your family earth all at the same time.
One way is to start figuring out how you can start the process of in-home economics. Now there are many versions of in-home economics from establishing multiple insurance policies, for all members of the family, so that if someone passes away any and all funeral expenses are taking care of. And having certain kinds of insurance policies allow ones to borrow money from their policies for emergencies, and for future business opportunities as well. One of the biggest things that holds working people back, and keep them stagnated is the lack of access to capital. Another great avenue that one can utilize for the purposes and obtaining assets, and not just purchasing consumer goods and having multiple (at least three) credit cards. One great example of utilizing credit cards to ensure money circulates your own economy is by maxing out your credit cards, purchasing real estate, and other products to fix, and flip, rent, sale, etc. Now obviously it’s never in one’s best interest to maxed out their credit cards if they do not have a strategic plan to invest their money into assets that will bring money back into one household, to pay your credit cards off as soon as possible.
As always remember that whenever one invests their money, there is never a guarantee of one making a lot of money. Now during the COVID-19 crisis/economy one thing is for sure in my personal opinion is working people need to become as cash-heavy as humanly possible. Meaning all members of the household, needs to contribute to a high-interest savings account. Even though most money loses value in sitting into a savings account, the opportunity to be taken care of if, and when something happens in life that needs financial resources. All working people do not only need to have various amounts of investments, and assets, but all working people need more access to capital, and side hustlers as possible in the COVID-19 and beyond the economy. Simply investing in stocks, bonds, cryptocurrency, gold, Individual retirement accounts (IRA’s), and more is only the beginning for working people. So moral of this blog is to always consult financial professionals when it comes to taking action with your finances. And always, always start with taking information, then taking action. Simple as that.
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