As June approaches and more and more states start to open businesses, and beaches within the United States of America. There’s certain segments of the economy where consumer spending confidence will not return back to normal until 2021. There’s a variety of reasons that digital consumer confidence is at it’s all time high in 2020, and purchases from brick and mortar businesses are down due to stay at home orders, and fear of contracting COVID-19. Public opinion is split on weather the economy should reopen their doors, however all entertainment festivals, and most major sporting events have been cancelled. These cancellations will effect a multitude of economies throughout the United States. Specifically states like New York, California, Georgia, Florida, and Texas. Most of these states are considered the epicenters of vacation destinations, and mega events such as Lollapalooza, Essences Festival, COMICON, NFL Superbowl’s, World Series, and NBA basketball Finals. These events bring in between $30 to $130 million to host cities and their economies. Major and small businesses, cities, and states benefit tremendously from these events on all kinds of levels. Mega celebrities such as T.I., Babyface, Eminem, and more are competing in virtual battles, virtual concerts, sports events in vacant stadiums to make up for the lack of social events. With all of this being said, investments on various sorts of levels regarding technology from purchasing technological stocks, and more sufficient technology devices in order to not only compete, but stay afloat in today economy. More and more online/virtual companies are being formed on a daily bases and small family businesses are working diligently to keep up. When it comes to consumer spending, please always remember to support small family businesses, in order to support the U.S. economy. From a financial standpoint, one hopes that all employees who have benefited from collecting 800 to 1000 dollars a week take this opportunity to grow their saving accounts for any and all financial hardships. Financial professionals suggest that workers should save 20 percent of your income every month for emergencies. This is known as the popular 50/30/20 rule, which means you should reserve 50 percent of one budget for essentials like rent, mortgages and food. COVID-19 has taught society that residing in a comfort zone is a very dangerous place, and as a society economic warfare, and recessions are inevitable, and are constantly on the rise. One last great example the high school, and college classes of 2007, 2008 and 2020 have a few things in common. One thing is today high unemployment rates, high consumer credit card debts, and student loans debts are sky rocketing all at the same time. One of the biggest things to take away from comparing today crisis, and the economic down turn of 2007 is the stock market, and the housing market crash at the same time.   However more larger, and smaller corporations are doing more with less due to stay at home orders, utilizing smart technologies, and automating processes, and shrinking workforce's, one thing is for certain. If anyone still believes that they can survive from a single income in the western world, or going to continue to learn things the hard way. If interested in learning how to start a home based business, please sign up for free as an affiliate with Karatbars International. Karatbars International is a legitimate MLM company that sells gold bullions per gram. Karatbars International was founded in 2011. The company specializes in the sale of small gold bars and gift items in gold bullion. The headquarters and the logistics center of Karatbars International is located in Stuttgart, Germany. It is responsible for the support, marketing, customer and partner communication, execution and delivery of orders. Headquarters also co-ordinates the opening of new countries throughout Europe.



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Karatbars offers the attractive and affordable option for consumers to purchase 999.9 pure gold bullion, as well as gold merchandising, collector’s items and gift cards. We are proud of the independence that Karatbars offers consumers to own, manage and control their personal Karatbars purchases. Deliveries in smaller quantities are packaged under video surveillance at the headquarters of Karatbars International, and shipped daily via FedEx.