1975 ancient education/working lifestyle is obsolete in 2020 Blog

The old process of going and getting an education and only obtaining a job is coming to an end in the U.S. Going to school from the age of three to twenty-one, and working from the age of fifth-teen to the age of seventy is considered obsolete in 2020. Books such as The Four Hour Work Week, and platforms such as YouTube, and Spotify which highlights the information and the lives of self-employed and entrepreneurs. Generation X is considered the last generation in the United States U.S. to enjoy the luxuries of job security, pension plans, and long term working relationships with corporations that are over in the COVID-19 economy. With the growth of smart, and robotic technology throughout the world, and the U.S. economy becoming more international, the world has become more complex outside of learning one’s ABC’s and basic math. The world is truly having access to social, and financial capital, and obtaining two to three streams of income. The survivors, and those who will thrive in the 2020 COVID-19 economy, will not take the education that they’ve received in grade school, and college. But they being the survivors and thrivers will receive financial education, from the family members, and outside online private educational institutions. Such financial educations institutions such as the Black Business school, Buy The Hood, The Earn Your Leisure (EYL) University will prepare children and adults for today new economy.
Now no one is discrediting the hard work of the teachers, administrators within the education system at all. However, all economist experts have predicted that within the next twenty years the U.S. economy will not need as many workers that are needed in the previous economies. Also, most in-demand workers will be more blue-collar skilled, and Information Technology jobs, and of course the business owners, heavy cash savors, and investors. Those still living and earning a living from a job only, are placing themselves in a greater position to live in generational poverty. Even high six figured income earners will lose, if they do not have a significant, growing bank accounts, and investments i.e. stocks, Index funds, Mutual funds, Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA’s), Qualified Retirement Accounts, bonds, real estate, cryptocurrency, gold, etc. Every single should also have some sort of business in their family.
It was great for so many people to have a growing amount of Bachelors, and Master Degrees within one’s family, but in 2020 the tide has turned. And for certain people even in the COVID-19 economy haven’t opened their eyes to see that the high bank account savers, asset accumulators, and earners will win. The population that decides to remain the same in the 1975 mentality will lose.
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